1 definition by Alex’s Survival

Alex’s Survival is a brand, founded by “Alex 🤍#8072” on Discord. The brand originated from Alex’s Survival World name “Alex’s Survival”. In November of 2021, Alex founded the official Alex’s Survival DISCORD SERVER. The invite link to the server is found in Alex’s “About Me” on Discord today.

The brand eventually expanded to Twitter too (@AlexSurvivalCo), along with having its own Media Manager, and the Discord Server saw a bit of growth. It was accused of being a blood gang in a server called “Dismal”, but it was later false.

Today, Alex makes updates needed for the Alex’s Survival brand name, and the ownership was split
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Yoo! This is awesome! Alex’s Survival is 10/10!
by Alex’s Survival August 29, 2022
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