3 definitions by Alex Bousquet

The feeling a consumer felt when they initially spent $500 on a Motorola RAZR only for the price to drop substantially in the coming months.
"Dude, I just spent $500 on a RAZR last month and now it costs $99."

"That's some serious razrbrn. At least the user interface and keypad don't suck. Oh wait..."
by Alex Bousquet April 23, 2008
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The feeling a consumer felt when they initially spent $500 on a Motorola RAZR only for the price to drop substantially in the coming months.
"Dude, I just spent $500 on a RAZR last month and now it costs $99."

"That's some serious razrbrn. At least the user interface doesn't suck. Oh wait..."
by Alex Bousquet April 21, 2008
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The feeling a consumer felt when they initially spent $500 on a Motorola RAZR only for the price to drop substantially in the coming months.
"Dude, I just spent $500 on a RAZR last month and now it costs $99."

"That's some serious razrbrn. At least the user interface and keypad don't suck. Oh wait..."
by Alex Bousquet April 22, 2008
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