2 definitions by Ak15

Used to be the sign for a number, but thanks to goddamn twitter its called a hashtag. possibly the most annoying key out there that kids use these days before the dumbest sayings and words. And don't think I'm an old party pooper because I'm 15 and saying this.
Allie: #swag
Jack: #ihateniggasstealingmybitch
Jeff: #throwbackthursday
Me: #ifuckinghatehashtags #fuckallofyou #imleaving
by Ak15 November 11, 2013
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The derivative of crackle, which is the derivative of snap, which is the derivative of jerk, which is the derivative of acceleration, which is the derivative of velocity, which is the derivative of distance.
The cars instantantaneous pop was measured at 60m/s^6
by Ak15 May 8, 2013
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