3 definitions by Agent-Cash

Abbreviation for "Gimme the Gimme the Gimme the Pussy, Boss!" No one knows why there is only one 'T'. Something you can say without the person you're saying it to knowing.
*Sees a hot girl*
Guy 1: *Sees a hot girl* GGGTPB!!!
Guy 2: *Starts laughing*
Hot girl: What?
by Agent-Cash January 10, 2017
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A phrase used to describe a group of people roasting you to make everyone think you won.
Guy 1: Hey, remember when you...
Guy 2: Yeah man, you're such a hypocrite!
Guy 3: Oh my god, you people are vultures!
by Agent-Cash November 28, 2017
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As seen on DashieXP and DashieGames youtubes, saying "Pause" is similar to "that's what she said". You say it after you unintentionally said something sexual.
"This is really hard, but i'm going to beat it, pause!"
by Agent-Cash December 11, 2016
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