1 definition by Advocate for actual science

Bill Nye, also known as Bull Nye or simply, The Science Guy, is a well known "scientific" figure in today's society. He is quoted as a genius and expert in everything from agriculture to orbital mechanics, while holding no phd and barely even a masters. He often speaks in incoherent sentences. He thinks he is smarter than everybody, especially Christians. Bill Nye hates those guys, and basically anybody affiliated with any religion. Nye says that religion is holding society back, and that the best way to disprove religion is to talk to a religious person for five minutes. Bill Nye is also accredited with causing over 9000 cases of epilepsy in young children. The funniest thing about this guy is his degree, or maybe his face.
Person 1: Bill Nye is the smartest scientist to ever live and I will do whatever he says without question!
Me: *face palm*
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