16 definitions by Advil

would you like broing or still?
by Advil February 28, 2005
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Formal way of saying "Fucker" or just plain old "fuck".
Person 1: I think I lost my wallet.
Person 2: Oh dear.


Person 1: I think I lost my wallet.
Person 2: Oh fux0r!
by Advil April 9, 2004
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"Dude, I went to the Bam margera message board for three days and RxCate gave me head!"
by Advil April 3, 2004
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This fuckin sweet guy that used to fuck people the fuck up and tear them apart and shit..

He was fuckin awesome
Hahaha holy shit did you see that bitch that Jack got to?
by Advil April 7, 2004
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Captain of the "SS Lady go Ruffle"

Captain Cuntruffles was born in 1634 and has been a Pirate since the age of 2.

At 4 years old he conquered most of western europe.

Then he died.

Also can be used as a derogetory term for someone who isn't good enough to be called a cunt.

Like Sanke.
When I grow up, I want to be like Captain Cuntruffles!
by Advil April 7, 2004
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Leader of the nine ringwraiths in the Lord of the Rings series, was once a king of men, and resides in Minas Morgul.
Awwww shit dawg Eowyn just stabbed Witchking in the face!
by Advil April 9, 2004
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Varg Vikernes is a true Norse Hero. Killed Euronymous and has a famous quote regarding the murder.
"He died from one stab to the head... Through his skull. I actually had to knock the knife out."
by Advil July 7, 2004
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