2 definitions by Admiral Tassles

Just like any other cougar, except this one is exceptionally old. An Über Cougar is typically in their mid 70s or older.

(See also: necrophilia)
David: "Yo did you hear I fucked Bradley's grandma?"

Steve: "Gross dude."

David: "Nah bro she's an Über Cougar!"
by Admiral Tassles September 12, 2018
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A colony of bees, usual living in and around a human's penis. Occasionally the queen bee will come out and check things out, only to (very painfully) squeeze itself back into the urethra.
Shit Dillon, my bum crabs and my dick bees have begun a war and are tearing the shit out of my crotch!
by Admiral Tassles November 5, 2015
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