11 definitions by Aazhmandius

1. A prestigeous compliment of the highest honors in Middle Earth.
2. One who knows the name of Gandalf's Sword.
3. "I have all the books and I read The Silmarillion 10 and a half times."
Shana and Lani: "You guys are such Glamdring Nerds."
Josh and Jason: "Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!"
by Aazhmandius March 20, 2003
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An alteration to the popular euphemism: Son of a Beast and Bun of a Seast.
"I wake up every morning and realize what a Seast of a Bun day it is going to be."
by Aazhmandius March 20, 2003
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The single most annoying MSN Messenger screen name that can be used. Usage of the term "horses" as your screen name can result in prolonged hatred and confusion from most of your peers.
"horses is Out To Lunch."
by Aazhmandius March 20, 2003
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Used most oftenly as a post phrase to Get off the road, You Fools is appropriately spoken at a higher pitch, alluding to an inner struggle with ones sexuality.
Get off the Road, You Fools!
by Aazhmandius March 20, 2003
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A reciprocal of the same popular euphemism Son of a Beast that denotes the same meaning as its root phrase.
by Aazhmandius March 20, 2003
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An alteration to the Proper Noun: Soldier of Fortune. Mostly used in conjunction with the criz.
Piece of criz, let's play Soldier of Fiz.
by Aazhmandius March 21, 2003
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