1 definition by Aaron Spitz

The nocturnal pill popping, caffeine craving, nicotine-addicted internet creep that slides under the door sometime between 3 and 5 a.m. In these hours, the nightcrawler moves from room to room, longing for human contact and conversation. If none is available, he simply resorts to facebook, espn classic, or aim for communication to the outside world. The nightcrawler moves with stealth-like quickness powered by a nicotine-induced turbo from place to place, searching for fellow nightcrawlers. Determined to find out "what's up" with everyone, even if they're asleep.
Matt: Yea, Adam came into my room last night at 3:45 a.m.
Aaron: What did he want?
Matt: He asked me what was up...and then he told me that he just got back from the library.
Aaron: That's what he wanted to say at 3:45 in the morning?
Matt: yea...kid's a nightcrawler.
by Aaron Spitz May 16, 2007
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