1 definition by Aaliya.singer

Beautiful. She is a very beautiful girl but does not acknowledge it. She has many insecurities. She wears a fake smile everyday to hide her pain. She is really secretive, so if she opens up to you your very lucky. She is fun and also naive. She has a nice ass and like to party! She is shy around others that are not close to her. Ari is very bipolar. She angers easily. You DO NOT want to be on the receiving end of her anger. Tread very carefully. One wrong move and your done. She will cut you off forever. She is loved by many, but has few friends. She is popular but only speaks to a few. She is smart but does not try hard enough. She is very forgetful. Ari is very sarcastic to everyone. If she does not like you, you will know it. She knows everyone but trusts few. She can and will find out anything. She has her ways to get what she wants. Determined.
"Ariyana is so fun!"

"Ariyana is so pretty and does not even know it."

"I've lost her, I've lost Ari over 1 mistake and I regret it."

"Why is she so quite?"
by Aaliya.singer March 14, 2017
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