3 definitions by A_Random_Guy2

As of February 6, 2018, the fastest car that humans have ever built. This is not because it drives quickly, but rather that Elon Musk strapped one onto a fucking rocket and shot it into orbit.
Get your Tesla Roadster, the fastest car in the world, once you pay for it to be launched into orbit.
by A_Random_Guy2 February 7, 2018
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A member of the FBI that looks on you through your phone or device. He is typically depicted as being benevolent in nature, helping out many people in their lives. Despite this he is still watching you.

Big Brother is watching.
FBI guy let me know that that girl was interested in me.
by A_Random_Guy2 February 6, 2018
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A member of the FBI that looks on you through your phone or device. He is typically depicted as being benevolent in nature, helping out many people in their lives. Despite this he is still watching you.

Remember, Big Brother is watching.
FBI Guy got my back, he let me know that she was interested.
by A_Random_Guy2 February 6, 2018
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