4 definitions by A_Muse_Mint101

The conjunction of 'bored' and 'irritated' into a single meaning/word.
I was so boritated waiting in line @ the DMV. The traffic is going to boritate me to death. If only the gombijiroo would reveal itself and end this boritation.
by A_Muse_Mint101 June 23, 2013
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The tangible thing of a future acquisition one has, as of yet, no knowledge of acquiring in the future.

The article, subject, or physical thing that is currently oblivious or unknowable to a person, character, place, or thing that will acquire the article, subject, or physical thing in the future.
The hero sure could have stumbled upon the gombijiroo a long time ago to exile evil, chance was just eluded.

She was so surprised when a stranger returned her purse, as if it were a gombijiroo.

I know there's a gombijiroo solution to this current predicament.
by A_Muse_Mint101 July 3, 2012
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The portmanteau of rhetorical and retardation. Typically invoked in a derogatory/insulting manner or with unwelcome occurrences/situations.
"I just saw the comments for that picture; rhetoritardation. Can anyone say anything new and not ignorantly contrived?"

"The rhetoritardation of this filibusterer is making me ill."

"This rhetoritard will go on forever if we don't speak up."
by A_Muse_Mint101 February 20, 2014
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Mundanger: The average, common, and/or regular harm or hazards that are often unnoticed in one's day-to-day life. The word for an encounter, event, item, and/or scenario that is both mundane (in its frequency or priority) and still a danger. An example of something that one should be cautious of but not focused on. The dangers that may be or go unnoticed within a mundane life.
The mundanger of improper hand posture while using a keyboard may result in carpal-tunnel syndrome. --There are many mundangers one is faced with while driving. --If you don't keep the mundangers present, at least in the back of your mind, you may become complacent to some common hazards.
by A_Muse_Mint101 July 4, 2013
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