1 definition by AT Zeus

A small town located between Deerfield Beach and Pompano Beach, on the east side of Federal Highway. The inhabitants are usually middle class and above and seem to be very well off. Many nice fishing boats and expensive cars are located at certain houses here. The neighborhood is relaxed and kids ride bikes around with their not-so-hard-earned allowances in their pockets. Crazy shenanigans are said to go on in LHP including Thanksgiving and Christmas family soccer games that take place at one of the local parks. Police Force can be tight only because they have nothing better to do. Common, kid-friendly stores and restaurants include: RJ Boyles, Bonefish Maxx's, Target, The Marina, and Cap's Place.
Hey dude! Wanna drive over to Bonefish Maxx's and spend some money on chicken wings?

Sure! Let's go on bikes. I mean... come on... its Lighthouse Point.
by AT Zeus January 21, 2010
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