346 definitions by AKACroatalin

Viper’s Bugloss is unusual as it is the name for two entirely different things:
1 A common European plant "Echium Vulgare" also known as Blueweed, which has rough, hairy leaves and the flowers start off pink but turn blue as they mature;
2 A European moth "Hadena Irregularis" which flies from July to August, believed extinct in the UK due to loss of habitat;
So despite sounding a bit sinister, it’s just the name of a couple of nature’s minor oddities.
"Oh look, Viper's Bugloss!"
"Which? The plant or the moth?"
by AKACroatalin April 16, 2015
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British Army slang acronym from around the time of World War 2 and stands for balls, bum and armpits. This referred to the areas washed when time is of the essence or water in short supply. It is somewhat similar to an airplane bath but less thorough than HF-AGBA. It was extremely common during the 1950s when National Service in the armed forces was compulsory in Britain for males between the ages of 17 and 21.
Right! A quick BBA then I’m chasinpavement fairies
by AKACroatalin March 14, 2019
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British Army acronym describing arboreal warfare, it stands for Fighting In Woodland And Forest
"Arkie, what're we doin' on these manoeuvres?"
by AKACroatalin March 6, 2022
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Gronfing is the act of eating greedily, noisily and messily. It is associated with the verb gronf which is to eat greedily, noisily and messily and the noun gronfy a person who gronfs. It is believed that the word originated in Scotland where a colloquial name for a pig is a "grunfy", but is now used south of the border.
"It's drinks and nibbles at Jennie and Phil's tonight; Malcolm hasn't been invited, after all once he gets gronfing no-one else gets a look in."
by AKACroatalin April 15, 2015
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To release gas through the penis. WARNING – This may indicate a potentially life threatening medical condition. A person suffering from this may have a fistula, you can read up on this on the internet, but this case it means that there is a hole between the prostate and rectum. You must get treatment for this, see your doctor. If there is any faecal discharge go to A & E or the Emergency Room at your nearest hospital immediately do put this off about your life may be in danger.
Charlie used to kweef a lot and ended up in hospital on life support because he didn’t have the sense to see his doctor.
by AKACroatalin April 22, 2015
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A renifleur is someone, can be male or female, with a medical condition that gives them sexual pleasure from smells. It doesn’t result in them being slightly turned on, but clothes off, into bed, or even the nearest patch of grass, and get it on. The condition can be triggered by a particular smell, usually quite specific and forming part of a fragrance, but in very rare cases it can be triggered by ordinary, everyday, common smells which means that the person must be kept in a sterile, odour-free environment. Surprisingly, many people exhibit a toned down version of this trait which is why males and females can be more sexually receptive when a certain perfume or aftershave is used.
Have you smelled the stench coming off Malcolm? He's enough to make the most ardent renifleur get a gas mask!
by AKACroatalin February 27, 2019
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It’s an adverb and it means in a way that was not expected, anticipated or foreseen. So if something happens totally out of the blue, then it happens unexpectedly.
When offered a second helping of pie Malcolm unexpectedly declined.
by AKACroatalin December 8, 2016
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