2 definitions by ABCKid

A simple yet versitile noun that has unfortunately achieved a somewhat negative connotation.

Here are some examples of the word 'Beezy' in its negative form.
-Get yo beezy on a leash nikkuh.
-Punk rock snaggle toothed beezies caint work tat cornah
See also: skank bitch money maker

Now for some wholesome positive uses for this word
Pop the trunk = Pop that Beezy
Step on the Gas = Stomp that Beezy
Spank tat @ss = Spank that Beezy
Flip that pancake = Flip that Beezy
That movie was a rip-off = That Beezy was a rip-off
Pick up some eggs = Pick up some beezies

Feel free to replace every-day nouns with the word beezy in order to shine light on a more possitive connotation.
by ABCKid June 6, 2006
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Meaning, alot of something. As in, hella.
Jack-Youre ganguh gay.
by ABCKid June 12, 2006
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