1 definition by AAnonymousssss

1. see douche
2.A bro is usually a white male who's dress consists typically of an overly tight hat, khaki shorts, flip flops/sandels, and a rugby/abercrombie/logo T;
"shades" are optional. Often seen "popping their collars", throwing their hats to the side, and being overtly obnoxious and/or cocky. Typical conversations are of beer pong and spotting catch phrases such as "Shit BRO!" or "I got so wasted playing beer pong Bro". They listen to bands such as Three Days Grace, or any other "hard rock" band; also brag about any sessions of exercise.
"Sup Bro?! You wanna bro it up with the bros? We're goin over to some bro's house with some bros later!"


"Yeah bro.. I listen to Three Days Grace, AND I work out..and what!?"

by AAnonymousssss October 3, 2008
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