4 definitions by A.Aron

A nihilistic mentality which mostly teenagers use to belittle and dismiss any tasks they have as unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Most often used by people who aren't actually nihilistic or mentally ill but by dick heads (usually teenagers) who don't want to do 2 pages of homework.
Dude 1: Dude, you're failing every single class. I can help you with homework if you want!
Dude 2: We live on a floating rock, I don't care
Dude 1: Not the floating rock mentality. dude, it's not that hard.
by A.Aron March 16, 2021
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A word used to describe a film that was just so fucking good that it should be used as an example for the rest of the industry so we can actually get some decent fucking movies
"Holy shit, that movie was insane..."
"Fuck a movie. That right there was cinema."
by A.Aron June 3, 2023
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When you are playing a shooter and you swear to the highest power that you just wiped them from existence but they are completely fine.
nigga how was that not a kill? I just LAZERED that man
by A.Aron January 5, 2019
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that shit apps try to get by you but make you put in your credit card anyway
you: ok
Spotify: Please put in your credentials.
by A.Aron April 8, 2019
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