1 definition by A-Fraud and Derek Cheater

A much nicer city than NYC.

If you don't like the Red Sox, don't bother coming here, because you're just gonna get your ass kicked.

Water fountains are bubblers, but everyone calls them bubblahs. Turn signals are blinkers, but everyone calls them blinkahs.

We honk at the person in front of us for going to slow when they're going 70 mph, and we enjoy cutting people off because we are better than everyone. Make sure you flip us the bird, we actually get disappointed when you don't. Massholes and proud, bitch.

Our accent is considered annoying, but at least we can say coffee without pronouncing it 'cwoffee'. Don't try imitating it, because you can't do it right unless you're born here.
'Wicked' is an essential part of our vocabulary, usually accompanied by an adjective. We don't say 'fookin', you dumbasses, we say 'fuckin'. R is not a member of the alphabet as far as we are concerned.

In the city, there are some wicked cool hobos that will sometimes follow you for five blocks if you don't give them your money, try it sometime!
Go pahk the cah at Bawston Gahdens for the wicked cool concert!

Go park the car at Boston Gardens for the very cool concert.

Hmm, which one sounds more 'elitist' to you?! Hah!
by A-Fraud and Derek Cheater January 30, 2010
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