1 definition by A pennsyltuckian

The region of the United States stretching from northern Pennsylvania, south through the center of Pennsylvania, west into West Virginia and finally into Kentucky. Pennsyltucky is a continuous region bound together by similar demographics and geography. At about two-hundred miles wide and nearly a thousand miles long, Pennsyltucky composes a large area of the
eastern United States. Generally, the region does not include urban areas, with Philadelphia and Pittsburgh most commonly cited as excluded. Everyone's welcome though!
Pennsyltuckian: "Let's drive across Pennsyltucky, there's a bluegrass festival in Louisville this weekend!"
Non-pennsyltuckian: "What?" "Yuck!" or "I don't know, is it safe?" or "Is there any good shopping on the way?"
Pennsyltuckian: "..."
by A pennsyltuckian February 24, 2011
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