52 definitions by A

a clever combination of "whore" and "moron." an ingenious girl attending clark came up with it.
you're a whoron.
by A May 24, 2004
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an expression used to convey happiness and/or satisfaction and accomplishment
"Bamsalabam! I so got an A on that test!"
by A December 14, 2004
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An abreviation for a gentle gust of air or wind. Original word Zephyr. Often abreviated when used to describe flatulence.
Hey, Dude... stand downwind of his zef!
by A March 31, 2005
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Country bumpkin way of saying 'wow' or 'damn'
Shebang! my cousin/wife, this possum is the bestest I ever did et.
Well shebang dat must be the pertyest three legged dog i done ever seen.
by A October 15, 2003
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Man-Step up bitch fo shizzel ma nizzle.
Woman-We need to talk.
by A September 20, 2003
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