2 definitions by A'kin

A rapid exchange of emails, text messages, or other written medium that occurs almost (but not quite) fast enough to be considered a conversation. Verb form: To converspond.
Brad won't turn on his phone, so I've been stuck in a converspondence with him all afternoon, waiting for 10 minutes for every reply to my emails.
by A'kin October 4, 2009
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Female nerd, whose hobbies generally focus on various aspects of Japanese popular culture, such as manga or anime. The term is generally pejorative, strongly implying an obsessive level of fandom, reclusive tendencies, underdeveloped social skills, and/or poor hygiene. From otaku.
Sandra's been called a gynotaku, but never to her face because she would first need to tear herself away from her television and go outside.
by A'kin September 12, 2009
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