2 definitions by A man who write true words

A group of people with IQ below 0 (oftenly -3) which use idiocy and stupidity to make video on a horrid platform called tiktok which is no less than a platform plague by indecency and stupidity
Look,he/she is doing a weird dance on a camera he/she must be a TikTokers
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Sekolah adalah tempat anda dipaksa belajar hal hal rumit yang tidak akan bermanfaat bagi anda saat mencari pekerjaan dan anda dipaksa belajar hal hal itu karena anda didoktrin bahwa : kalo gak sekolah gak sukses
Andi : mau kemana bro
Budi : Sekolah bro!..
Andi : hah penjara?
Budi : Bukan bro.. sekolah,tempat lu disuruh belajar hal gak faedah
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