1 definition by A girl from your school

A really intelligent man who doesn't act like he's smart, but surprises you. A smart individual who always brings his a game. He's very sweet and doesn't think about himself. He loves spending his money on other people. His style is preppy, but he's not picky about what he wears. He's an athletic guy, but soccer always come first. He has a a very good humor that will make you smile all night long. A charmer, a good friend, a bomb lover. He's the best at making everyone being much better as their were way before. A guy that falls in love and he's a keeper!..He's never someone to forget his unforgettable.
Me: He bought me a tons of clothes of my favorites.
Friend: He's very lovely, He's such a Irin!
by A girl from your school May 19, 2018
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