1 definition by A frienddddddddddddddddddd

An Irish girls name Niamh is a very independent and thoughtful girl and always up for the laugh she is an absolute beauty but because of this it strikes jealousy for other girls. Niamhs often get criticized and put down a lot because they tend not to fight back this doesn’t last long though because when you push a Niamh past her limit she will flip out and will terrify you. Niamhs are very sensitive and don’t take criticism of any type well. They are creative and can be quite clumsy to say the least. If you have a niamh in your life I advise you to treat her well because she is the friend that will never betray you and will always try to build your confidence as she lacks confidence in herself. Niamhs tend to be very shy before you get to know them. They are the friend and lover that will always be there for you especially if they say they will. Adores animals and can’t stand animal cruelty or cruelty of any kind to anything. Niamhs often find it hard to come to terms with their feelings and often say they aren’t good enough , they struggle to put how the feel into words which leads to people getting bored and leaving. Niamhs are charmers and are very empathetic , they give the best advice (going by my friends advice) and are very pure creatures too pure for this world
That girl over there called Niamh is always happily helping other
by A frienddddddddddddddddddd November 25, 2018
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