1 definition by A Lovely Shart

The previously unrecognized insanity of a friend, family member, coworker, or casual acquaintance. The condition of having hidden your mental dementia successfully for a considerable length of time but then are suddenly discovered to be tree swinging, shit flinging kookoo. Tragically failing to keep secret one's complete lack of sanity.
Yeah, I went to the shooting range with Sarah Palin, and damn if she didn't blast a Blue Jay for no damn good reason. That crazy ass bitch be Monkey Nuts!

Last week Sarah Palin came over to my house and before I knew what was happening she had pumped 6 rounds from her long barrel .357 magnum into my Barker Lounger. She said she saw a rabid possum, but it was my sweet little kitty cat, Fuzzles. Fuzzles is dead, and that that Monkey Nuts bitch murdered him.
by A Lovely Shart April 28, 2015
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