3 definitions by 50Gunner1984

The act of pooping directly into your partners butthole.
I had sex with a hooker last night. Everything was great until she pulled the Corn Planter on me!
by 50Gunner1984 March 12, 2022
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The act of packing powder sugar between your buttcheecks, pulling your pants down when you have gas, and farting directly at an unexpected person.
The party was boring until I nailed Randy straight in the face with a powdered doughnut surprise!
by 50Gunner1984 March 12, 2022
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The act of multiple men pulling a sex train on a woman while wearing trucker hats and saying "I'm sorry".
Man, 3 or 4 more drinks and that woman will be ready to take on a Canadian Convoy!
by 50Gunner1984 March 12, 2022
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