16 definitions by 4uffin

"Phantom vibration syndrome" is when you think your phone is buzzing, but it's just your imagination playing tricks on you. It's like your pocket is the boy who cried "vibrate"!
Here's a silly joke about "phantom vibration syndrome": "Why don't ghosts use phones? Because they're already experts at phantom vibration syndrome!"
by 4uffin July 6, 2023
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A user who writes about themself on the Urban Dictionary...

Usually creating either education definitions, or creating joke definitions.
4uffin made a definition about 9/11, they said it was not the gas station 711.
by 4uffin July 4, 2023
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Once upon a time, there was a word called "snackident." It referred to the act of eating a snack unintentionally. For example, you might be walking past a bowl of chips and accidentally grab a handful. Or you might be watching TV and realize you've eaten an entire bag of popcorn without even noticing. The word quickly caught on and became a popular term among snack-lovers everywhere. People even started using it as an excuse for their snacking habits. "Oh, I didn't mean to eat that whole bag of candy, it was a snackident!" The word is now a part of the Urban Dictionary, and snackidents are a common occurrence in households around the world.
I had a snackident last night while watching my favorite show and ate an entire bag of chips without even realizing it.
by 4uffin July 6, 2023
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ChatGPT is like having a super smart friend who knows a lot of things! It's a special computer program that can talk and understand what we say. It uses all the knowledge from books, websites, and lots of other things to help us with questions or problems. Just like talking to a friend, we can ask it anything we want, and it will try its best to give us a good answer. It's like having a clever robot friend who knows almost everything!
I talked to ChatGPT, my super smart computer friend, and guess what? It even knows how to tell funny jokes! Like, why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! ChatGPT is not only smart but also knows how to make us giggle!
by 4uffin July 5, 2023
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On September 11th, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out against the United States. Four planes were hijacked by members of the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda, with two planes crashing into the World Trade Center towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and the fourth crashing in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to take control of the plane. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and caused significant damage to both the physical infrastructure and emotional fabric of the country.
Many Americans remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the tragic events of 9/11.
by 4uffin February 27, 2023
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How about "textpectation"? It's when you're waiting for someone to text you back, and you start to get anxious or excited about what they might say. It's a combination of the words "text" and "expectation."
"I hate the feeling of textpectation when I'm waiting for a reply from my crush."
by 4uffin July 6, 2023
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Sure! YouTube is like a magical TV that you can watch on your computer, tablet, or phone. It has lots and lots of videos about almost anything you can imagine! There are funny videos, cartoons, songs, and even videos that teach you things like how to draw or make yummy treats. You can watch videos of your favorite toys, animals, or superheroes too! Just like a TV, you can pick what you want to watch and it will play for you. It's a fun place to explore and learn new things!
"Mommy, I love watching YouTube because I can see funny videos of kittens playing and learn how to draw my favorite cartoon characters!"
by 4uffin July 4, 2023
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