1 definition by 44t454545

In Russian contemporary slang, the word means a kind of nasty man about 30-50 years old, looking older than he actually is, due to bad physical condition, obesity, baldness, smoking, bad job, ugly wife and three kids etc.
- Мы выехали на скейтах за пивом с корешем, до меня скуф доебался, что я в его жирную жену врезался. А хули она делала на дорожке для велосипедистов? Ну мы ему дали пару лещей и укатили.
- We've started out our way for some beer with my buddy on the skateboards, a skoof niggled on me because I've slammed into his fat wife. What the fuck did she do on the cycle lane? Well, we gave him a couple of bitchslaps and rolled away.
by 44t454545 November 12, 2022
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