1 definition by 42P0w3rz

Yar is a unique word, like no other. people connect it to pirates. Others ignore me saying it. Some reply yar back exuberantly. Most substitute it with another word, and write a meaning towards it based off of context. It's funny seeing peoples reactions, but it gives insight into their personality. The people who connect it towards piracy are usually more open-minded. The ones who ignore it are usually close-minded, and have few friends. The ones who reply yar back are the more outgoing people. Very energetic, and friendly. Or I have been around them so long that the word just grew on them. The ones who add meaning to it are the most common type of people. They are very adapting to change, and accepting. They are not very outgoing, however they are not anti-social either. Yar is also used when you can not find a more suitable word. Yar is a word defined based on the context in which it is used, so open interpretation is necessary. It gives no evidence for or against what one is actually thinking, however, tone and body language speak for themselves. It is also useful as a filler word, in replacement of "yeah", but sounds classier (in my opinion). It is a unique word, personal to myself, and I am known for it. Yar is not confined to a certain meaning. It is a weird word, awkward even. It's like no other word in existence. It is not subject to a system (dictionary), and is free to fit any definition depending on the situation it is in. Just like me. Yar is my word.






"Are you a pirate?



and finally

by 42P0w3rz March 27, 2013
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