1 definition by 420bongboy

the word baldy is a word used as a nickname for someone that is bald, or going bald, or fits them in any way. baldy is the type of guy to only be described as baldy. he is the type to make everything sound bigger then what it really is and then ends up not even showing to the event. he is a classic white good boy and probably smokes weed and vapes in his basement playing gta 5 or call of duty all day procrastinating playing xbox rather than working and getting money and not being lazy. baldy is also known as a person that opens his mouth to a lot of people even when the people have no idea what he is even saying.
john-hey jason i heard we have a baldy in the house
jason- oh yea who is that
john-that kid walking up to u-(gets cut off)
the baldy- hey guys me and my friends beat the shit out of this kid today and it was mad funny because after that i called out of work and played xbox and smoke my vape and my weed all day
by 420bongboy December 14, 2020
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