2 definitions by 360Genius

Falling asleep, generally in a cute or quiet manner. Usually associated with kittens or sleep-deprived people.

Someone or something that is asleep or falling asleep.
"Aight guys, I'm gonna go huah mimi."

"Hey you little huah mimi, wake up!"
"Huoh? Oh sorry, I was huah mimi'ing."

"The huah mimi huah mimi'd, huah mimi-ly."
by 360Genius June 28, 2022
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The only excuse that is always valid.
"Steven, why isn't your homework done?"
"Because Minecraft."
"Oh, okay."

"Why are you so obsessed with Minecraft?"
"Because Minecraft."
"But Why?"
"Because Minecraft."
by 360Genius April 29, 2021
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