2 definitions by 2curious

Typically found in the homes of the irresponsibly wealthy, a room designated for swimming in mayonnaise.
(The scene: Lord Wealthy's Manor. Doorbell chimes Tik-Tok by Ke$ha. Bulter Jeeves opens door)

Mr. So-and-So: Hello, I'm Mr. So-and-So. I have an appointment with His Grace Lord Wealthy.

Jeeves: Ah yes, Do come in, sir. I'm afraid m'lud will be delayed momentarily.

Mr.SS: Oh, I do hope I am not interrupting anything important.

J: Not at all, sir. M'lud is merely taking his postprandial dip in the Mayonnaisium.

Mr. SS: Ah, I see. Very good then.
by 2curious May 15, 2010
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prehaps short for (COGnitive enhancement) : Individual who abuses off-label nootropic (brain enhancing) drugs to boost performance on tests or at work in order to achieve superiority in a traditional, conformist way/venue. Does not apply to individuals who take nootropics (like adderall, modafinil) to treat nervous disorders (ADD, depression, etc.). 'Cog' contains both (1) the connotation of the 'cog in the gear', i.e., one of numerous faceless and subordinate drones in a large corporate enterprise/traditional educational setting (2) the connotation of 'cheating' to get ahead.
"Betsy must be a genius. She party's all the time and still gets A's." "No, she's just a cog. I saw a bottle of modafinil on her nightstand."

"John is sure to get that promotion. He worked til 3 a.m. everyday this month." "And the prick will probably get it. ABC Corp. loves cogs like him who are willing to fry their brains to get ahead."
by 2curious February 28, 2010
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