3 definitions by 2077

Japanese for “can’t”, usually used in the Japanese learning community to refer to those who aren’t able to learn the language or reach a decent level of fluency.
Person 1: I just failed the N5 test after 2 years of studying
Person 2: LOL fucking dekinai.
by 2077 September 18, 2021
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The superior version of the Colemak alternative keyboard layout. The name comes from the relocation of the “D” and “H” keys, + a few minor other ones. In addition to the relocation, the layout has an angle mod on the left hand making it even more ergonomic and comfortable to type on.
Person 1: I’ve been thinking of learning an alternative keyboard layout lately and Colemak has caught my eye, what do you think?
Person: Colemak-DH is way better, never use the default version of Colemak.
by 2077 September 19, 2021
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The Colemak-DH version of arstdhneio, aoeuidhtns, and asdfghjkl.
Person 1: What keyboard layout do you use?
Person 2: arstdhneio
Person 1: Vanilla Colemak sucks, arstgmneio.
Person 3: Colemak-DH is way better!
by 2077 September 3, 2021
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