1 definition by 2.7182818284590452353602874713

A collection of academics and interviewers who publish work (mostly in print, video, and podcasts) on a variety of subjects including politics, psychology, economics, evolution, physics, Islamic reformation, and comedy.
The group includes (from the political left to right) Bret Weinstein, Sam Harris, Eric Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, and Ben Shapiro, as well as others.
Most members of the group have been actively publishing work for years, sometimes decades, but the group came to prominence as a whole in the time after the election of Donald Trump.
Some believe the group belongs to the alt-right, but evidence for this claim is scarce because so many members fall into the traditional progressive category.
Man have you seen some of the hit pieces publish against the Intellectual Dark Web? They're getting hit hard this week.
by 2.7182818284590452353602874713 September 28, 2018
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