7 definitions by 1962

this fuckin asshole I hated at school. I'm glad this prick is out of my life. He was a slacker, and he wasn't really creative or any shit like that in class. He'd give me shit for being creative too. He also lost a ring once. But to be honest, his graduation speech was actually pretty lit.
Wyatt Bradfords speech was actually pretty lit
by 1962 September 1, 2019
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When a dog kills a human, so a human starts murdering all the dogs associated with it. So like John Wick in Reverse.
Theres this fucking retarded dog going around shooting other dogs.

Oh so its a reverse john wick then right?
by 1962 August 26, 2018
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Pike Chapmaned is a term spelunkers / cave explorers use to describe one of two things. One someone gets caught in a small cave in, or two someone needs to be pulled out with rope. The reason we call it that is because of a worker in a place called Mammoth Cave in the 1890s. Pike Chapman. he was blocked off and pinned from a cave in, so they decided to pull him out via rope. He would end up dying later that day because they did such a poor job of pulling him out. they just YANKED 'em.
Guys! I think I got Pike Chapmaned over here! Help me!

Okay, but we're gonna have to Pike Chapman you to set you free.
by 1962 September 30, 2019
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Floyd Collins has to be one of the most fucked up events between world war 1 and world war 2. 1925. Floyd was a Kentucky Caver who got trapped in a cave and died over 2 weeks later. His death was a national phenomenon, i suggest you look up the full story, its pretty fucked in the head.

In This case, to be Floyd Collinsed, it means to get yourself, or part of yourself stuck in one area. If you get stuck somewhere that you end up Dying or having to amputate an arm or some shit, you got Literally Floyd Collinsed
Guy 1: Dude were the fuck have you been.

Guy 2: Sorry man, I got my dick Floyd Collinsed in my girls ass.
by 1962 October 24, 2018
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Woooosh, yes its spelled with 4 O's. It means You Missed the Joke. The Joke went right over you, making a Woooosh sound, like a bullet speeding by. WOOOOSH.
Guy 1: I Cant agree more. Those silly girls doesn't wanna be loved or respected by a nice guy. FUCK THOSE BITCHES, LET ME RESPECT YOU, YOU DUMB BITCHES.

Guy 2: Don't Call Girls bitches then. That would be respectful.

by 1962 February 11, 2018
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Memorabilia from the band The Ink Spots. (Mostly used by Ink Spot Fans) The Ink Spots was a popular and iconic band from the 1930s - 1950s that completely changed music in several ways and are some of the fathers of rock and roll.
by 1962 July 20, 2018
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(Fuck-You-Lar-Ism)A particularly Fucked up predicament, like if someone is doing extortion, trafficking, or some other just moral fucked up things.
OJ Simpson killed his wife and got away with it after an 8 month trial where he was obviously guilty, but some fucktard said he wasnt guilty.

The whole Event was quite a Fucularism.
by 1962 July 29, 2018
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