3 definitions by 162875

1.Waiting to complete or start a task until the very last possible minute
Because of my nact for procrastination on my comp essay I sumbmitted it at 11:59 Pm, when it was due at 12:00 Am
by 162875 March 11, 2015
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1.Waiting to complete or start a task until the very last possible minute
Because of my nact for procrastination on my comp essay I sumbmitted it at 11:59 Pm, when it was due at 12:00 Am
by 162875 March 11, 2015
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1.Waiting to complete or start a task until the very last possible minute
Because of my nact for procrastination on my comp essay I sumbmitted it at 11:59 Pm, when it was due at 12:00 Am
by 162875 March 11, 2015
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