1 definition by 1&onlybeliver

First and foremost fact is he created this name crafted it and brought it to life. Then it was stolen be every other person who is fraudulently using it . He would never give permission to use his birthrite. He had numerous names that other's use for him that they created although they never give him the names or dates

fact is he is thee smartest most interesting and intellectual person you could ever meet. Honest trustworthy loyal and faithful. Not a homo as to be rumored. Yet defends the lgbtq community because they to out children of God. The toughest 3rd degree blackbelt that sinsia motkeoug has ever trained. Probably the most victorious street fighter I've ever seen, physically stop 7 guys from assaulting himself and s neighbor. I could go on for days.
Did you see that rademacher kick that guy's face in. That was brutal.
by 1&onlybeliver March 25, 2020
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