3 definitions by 05 council

Scp-106 is an old man cover in a black corrosive substance. Scp-106 is a Keter class Scp which makes it very dangerous to humanity for it has the ability to go into a pocket dimension and corrode through walls allowing it to hunt down it's target. The origin of how he came to be is difficult to figure out, for now he is safely contained inside site 19
Scientist 1: Hey man, why is that wall over there all covered with some weird black liquid
Scientist 2: Huh
Scp-106: Hey
Scientist 1: No not my femur
by 05 council April 17, 2019
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Scp-1471 is a mobile app called MalO on the app store. Upon installation Scp-1471 will create no icon or shortcuts, it will then send images around 3-6 hours showing Scp-1471-A which appears as a humanoid figure with a canid-like skull and black hair. More then 72 hours of exposure will result in Scp-1471-A sending images of the person in real time, 90 hours and more will result in Scp-1471 appearing in the victim's peripheral vision, reflective surfaces, or both.
Scp-1471-A: Senpai, wanna breach me tonight?
Scp-1471-A: 05 will never find out OWO...
by 05 council April 17, 2019
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