115 definitions by .

Luke Ryan wat a GAYASS!!!!!!!!!! he is SOOOOOOOOO gay!!
Luke Ryan: I am sooooo Gay. wat a GAYASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by . January 26, 2004
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1)A great band who know no restrictions in their music, and who really rock live.
2) bay area slang for a boring day, takeing bong hits.
1) The first time i heard Green Day, i coulnt belive my ears.
2) Today has been a green day, im so bored and wasted.
by . September 17, 2003
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Christina is a major rich bitch and gave Tony a random boner!
by . February 22, 2004
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debby isn't supposed to be spelled with a y at the end of it. those 'debby' named people are uncool. it's spelled 'debbie'.
debbie is the coolest but debby is a nerd.
by . March 30, 2005
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extremely handsome individuals, very cuddly
by . September 19, 2003
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