2 definitions by -Doops-

A system of thinking that advocates for the destruction or elimination of social hierarchies in pursuit of a more fair and just society. Schools of thought include Socialism, Communism, and Anarchism. Does not exist in many western countries.

The left typically expresses opposition to practices which produce inequality and hierarchies such as states and private (not personal) property. It is also fundamentally opposed to racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of bigotry.
Bernie Sanders is the closest thing America has had to a left wing candidate, yet anyone who knows anything about left wing ideology knows that he is center left at the very most. He’s not even calling for the elimination of the state.
by -Doops- April 21, 2020
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Public ownership of the means of baby production
Person A: So what even is cummunism? Is that some form of communism?
Person B: No, better, because under cummunism the workers would seize the means of reproduction
by -Doops- May 31, 2021
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