11 definitions by The Squid

A shifter stick in a manual transmission vehicle that is used as a dildoh.
Where did you get THAT car ramrod?
by The Squid March 21, 2003
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A German word, meaning penis. Appears as a pop culture reference in at least two movies: Young Frankenstein and Hellboy II.
Inga: "So everything would have to be proportionately enlarged. Why, he would have an enormous schwanstugel!"

Dr. Frankenstein (has no idea what a schwanstugel is): "Well, um, that goes without saying."

Inga: "Woof!"

Igor: "He's gonna be very popular."
by The Squid July 11, 2008
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1. What you get from having anal sex.
2. Slang for "Stupid Bitch".
1. Yo, does it look like I have Shitdick?
2. You shitdick!
by The Squid March 20, 2003
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