14 definitions by OK

..from an interview with Noodles from The Offspring (in RALPH feb 04 australia):
"The Da Hui are Hawaiian locals who set up in the '70s as a reaction to the tourists who were going there and weren't respectful of the culture and the surf breaks. If you go there and drop in on them in the surf they'll beat the crap out of you."
I won't fuck with Da Hui
Because Da Hui will fuck with me
by OK January 29, 2004
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What fags say alot.
I'm sure you'd like a bonus round with your boyfriend.
by OK June 19, 2003
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The feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of something, you don't have to say you hate someone to hate them. Everybody does it, so stop trying to say "I don't hate" because you do.
by OK June 12, 2003
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Abreviation of Homeward Bound, soldiers returning from the American civil war were called Ho Bo's
There goes a Hobo, bound home from the war.
by OK October 8, 2003
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often used by people of belfast, slang meaning mother.
here mate i donno what your talking about, your ma fatter than mine
by OK March 7, 2005
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Groton MAssachusetts is some small bootleg town where everyone except me is rich and white. everyone drives their parents car or worse they got their own fucking brand new ride. and theres never anything to do but get fucked up
by OK March 31, 2005
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