115 definitions by .

Wow your are so hot
by . November 24, 2003
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the genre of music which is a combination of punk and hip-hop

perfect harmonious bliss- like the nirvana of the music world caught between going in 2 different directions
what happened when jay-z compd with linkinpark for encore/numb
by . January 26, 2005
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Some dude that does 2D & 3D art and does dumb shit on discord.
Sparks has the best moments.
by . October 8, 2020
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A pretty chill guy on discord and does great renders, his shitposts are sometimes funny.
Sparks is a great dude.
by . September 30, 2020
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ive lived in bing my whole life and the thing that sucks the most about it is all the stuck up long island fucks that go to BU and do nothing but bitch about how bad binghamton is. If you don't like it fucking transfer, no one here will miss your gay asses.Bing sucks, but it's def not the worst, look at alot of schools in small towns in the middle of nowhere like oneonta, fredonia, etc... now that shit sucks...at least we have shit to do. Go home and take your fat girls in tiny skirts and toolbags w/ unbuttoned dress shirts w/ no shirts on underneath and spiky hair with you.
by . April 3, 2005
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peak of sexual stimulation/excitement. can be achieved through mastorbation or sexual intercourse.
oh yeah!!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! dont stop that feels good!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!
by . February 17, 2004
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