3 definitions by ((make yourself!))

the opposite of lots; none.
used to confuse people into thinking that you will do something when you will, infact, not.
mom: shawn, go do your homework and clean your room
shawn: lults.
by ((make yourself!)) October 25, 2004
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so lame that it hurts.
person 1: hey, man, jo called for you.
person 2: jo who?
person 1: jo mama
person 2: that was so fucking lurt, man.
by ((make yourself!)) August 19, 2004
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1. a redneck
2. a filthy person
3. a cigarette
4. a grain often served in southern states as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
when grits want to express feelings, they often say 'hewwwwww!'
by ((make yourself!)) October 10, 2004
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