3 definitions by 🥝🍄A mushroom🥝🍄

Toga himiko is a charicter from my hero academia, quirk is:tranform, to use it she must gain victims blood, then depending on how much she takes, she is able to take their form for multiple hours, while in her transformation her clothes get layered over her own, so she prefers to undress before. She is a possibly pan or Omnisextual charicter who due to her quirk, is attracted to anyone hurt, or bleeding. She currently is obsessed over deku and uraraka, and had a strong bond with twice, she is in a group of antagonists called the lov of league of villains, leader Tomura shigiraki.
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This breed of gacha is a cat femboy who is the ultimate gay bottem, they have terrorized the community of gacha, and have been the star of much gacha heat, commonly pink, but it comes in all colors, usually it seeks a master or what we call the "Stereotypical Bad boy"
OwO /UwU cat is looking for it's master
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