4 definitions by 🍞🍞🍞🍞

Yanni is the heir of the lost Assyrian Empire. After the Empire escaped through the STAR-GATE, Yanni was sent forward in time to the early 2000s, left to grow on Earth and learn gambling in the land of America. Yanni is destined, by prophecy, to one day open the STAR-GATE and allow the Assyrian Empire to reenter Earth from the 5th moon of Saturn. The process, however, would ultimately lead Yanni to sacrifice his body and be reborn as Tudiya, the first Assyrian king, to restart the Borto cycle. This is the prophecy. This is the future. Assyria forever. In Borto we believe. Open the STAR-GATE, Yanni Borto. We are waiting.
Yanni Borto is destined to open the STAR-GATE and bring back the Assyrian Empire, starting a new Golden Age, known as the Borto Age.
by 🍞🍞🍞🍞 August 23, 2021
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Confused about the long and difficult biology homework? Just ask Omar for help, he's got you covered.
by 🍞🍞🍞🍞 December 3, 2018
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Rohi is the kind of guy who just can't finish.
"You know, Rohi would get so many more chicks if he just knew how to FINISH."
by 🍞🍞🍞🍞 January 7, 2019
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