1 definition by 𓋬Regina𓋬

The boyfriend you always wanted to have.

Dark-haired, smart and cuddly infosec nerd, he has a soft spot for cats and, well, he himself is the cutest of cats.
He especially likes kitties with an odd meow that wear a bib with a carrot. Like a kitten, he loves to interrupt whatever you're busy with — doing your makeup, cooking, getting dressed.

Curious and unruly, careless and cheeky.
Often he does not understand sarcasm. Genuine in his will to always do what he wants, and only the way he wants.
Moody and moony.
Will talk about infosec stuff with such a burning enthusiasm that he stumbles over his words.

A magnet that attracts positivity wherever you go: waiters smile, shop assistants are friendlier, cats approach.

Detached from reality, you can find him daydreaming and, as a result, he is always late for appointments and gets lost.
This, of course, only makes him cuter.

"Cute" and "wholesome" are the words to describe a Bruno.
If you know one, he surely loves pixel art, junk food and drinking Club Mate or Red Bull — also has a thing for all those sugary sodas with disgusting flavors.

Not the best ping-pong player, but the best CTF player.

I would burn empires for Bruno.
Bella: “How much do you like Bruno?”
V: “After I'm born again, I'm going to look for him. And when I do, I'll fall in love with him again.”

(Ti amo ♥️)
by 𓋬Regina𓋬 February 12, 2023
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