2 definitions by ♡ ThatOneGinger

a Name pronounced like Lo-vey.
Laufey is a lovely person she can always make your day with her dirty mind and hilarious humour a Laufey usually has a pet slug that you learn to love dearly. Laufey is a very pretty person who will boost your confidence and make you smile all the time If you happen to know a Laufey or be fortunate to be best friends with one never let them go overall Laufey are lovely caring people never let one go once you have met them
She’s cute
Yea she’s a Laufey
by ♡ ThatOneGinger August 3, 2019
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a unique and beautiful name meaning Delight, great pleasure, joy, rejoicing.
if you ever happen to meet a joyanne keep them close they’re a once in a life time friend and have the most fun they have the best humour and are overall amazing people.
keep a Joyanne close
have you met Joyanne yet?

You have to shes amazing
by ♡ ThatOneGinger November 24, 2021
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