1 definition by ☕ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ M e l o d i e ࿐ྂ

! Not to be confused with Shin Tsukimi, who uses Sou Hiyori as an alias until chapter 2 of the Death Game !

This definition contains spoilers for the game Kimi Ga Shine: Tasuuketsu Death Game / Your Turn To Die! Read at your own risk.

Sou Hiyori is a fictional character from the game Kimi Ga Shine: Tasuuketsu Death Game (Your Turn To Die, or Yttd for short).

He is the floormaster of floors 4 and 5 in the Death Game.

Sou Hiyori is your typical antagonist: petty jokes, death threats and mentally unstable.

He has been 'revived' from supposedly being killed by Alice Yabusame (Alias - Gonbee Yamada).

Sou Hiyori is very interested is psychology, and how humans work. He wants to learn what makes humans feel physical and mental pain, as well as how to manipulate memories, which we can assume from chapter 3 that he was successful in. According to the Shin Tsukimi AI on floor 5, he 'broke' humans, so we can also assume that the methods of which he manipulates memories and pain are not particularly peaceful or pain free.

His known weaknesses (and fears) are death (which we can gather from chapter 3, when the obstructor Maple almost kills him), and Maple herself. Maple had a love program installed into her by Sou Hiyori so she wouldn't kill him.

All information is correct when written (latest chapter being 3-1b).

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