4 definitions by ∆∆∆It's_Corona_Time∆∆∆

Aswin is a great friend. he likes to talk about his feelings and he likes lots of girls.
Aswin is my friend
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rose is a awesome person that you should date. she is loving and a great girlfriend.
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She is the best friend, girlfriend, and sister anyone could ever have. She might think she's lonely but everyone likes to be around her. She has a good sense of humor and likes to tell jokes. Tessa is an amazing girl!! =)
Friend 1: Is that Tessa?
Friend 2: Yeah
Friend 1: I want her to be my bff
Friend 2: NO!!! SHE'S GONNA BE MY BFF!!!!
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He is the best boyfriend or friend anyone could ever have.
Girl 1: Diego is your boyfriend???
Girl 2: yeah. He's awesome!!!
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